
Institute of Transport Administration

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AAIB Report: Beech 400A (N709EL), Brake seizure and mainwheel tyres deflated during landing, Newquay Airport, Cornwall

12 Apr 2024

AAIB report into a serious incident involving a Beech 400A (N709EL). During landing at Newquay Airport, the brakes seized and mainwheel tyres deflated, 7 October 2023.


Immediately after touchdown the flight crew noticed the deceleration was greater than normal. Reverse thrust and speed brakes were applied, and as the aircraft slowed below about 50 kt the aircraft started to drift towards the right side of the runway. A combination of weathercocking into the wind and applying left pedal brought the aircraft back to the runway centreline where it came to rest angled about 45° to the left of the centreline, with the mainwheel tyres deflated and the brakes seized.

The rapid deceleration on touchdown was caused by either the tyres having already deflated due to the fuse plugs having melted, or the brakes being seized, or a combination of both. This was the result of the brakes having been heated during the takeoff run because the parking brake had been left on with partial pressure applied.

The lack of a light or caption to indicate that the parking brake is on, or an aural or visual warning that the parking brake is on when takeoff power is applied, may have contributed to the incident, as may have the lack of a ‘release parking brake’ item in the ‘Before Takeoff’ checklist.

One Safety Recommendation is made to the aircraft manufacturer regarding the ‘Before Takeoff’ checklist.

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