
Institute of Transport Administration

Educating Transport Management since 1944


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Covid 19 restrictions update – As per PM’s statement to parliament today

22 Sep 2020

Brief summary as the statement was delivered :


With the alert level for the UK is being adjusted from 3 to 4, risk at high or rising exponentially, the  Prime Minister stated that he wanted to take decisive and appropriate steps and that the restrictions are likely to be place for 6 months.

  • Where possible people should continue to work form home if they can. Where this is not possible, retail, construction, hospitality etc, a mask must be worn by both staff and customers.

  • Schools and colleges will stay open, and businesses will too if they are Covid compliant.

  • Pubs, bars and restaurants will close at 10pm (22:00) from Thursday 24th September.  This is not a point at which last orders are called but the closure.  Take Aways will also close at 10pm (22:00) but be able to continue to deliver after this time.

  • Plans to re-introduce the public at live sporting events has been paused for the time being.

  • The Rule of Six exemptions have been reduced.  Indoor sports have been changed/removed.

  • Guests at a wedding and reception has been reduced from 30 to 15.  But those attending a funeral remains at 30.

Breaches of the rules will incur fines.  Fines will increase in England.


The Prime Minister said the government will continue to put its arms around the country when it comes to businesses.


This is a break-down of the main elements of the statement to parliament, it is not intended to be a transcript.  Further information will be added as soon as available.


We would suggested that if you are a coach driver coming into direct contact with the public, a face covering is worn.