
Institute of Transport Administration

Educating Transport Management since 1944


Temporary Transport Managers Exemption for light goods ‘O’-licences approaching end date

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Job Support, Self Employed and Business support

23 Oct 2020

Job Support Scheme – JSS

JSS (JSS Closed) for businesses that have been legally required to close due to restrictions under Coronavirus rules.

Applies throughout the UK wherever businesses have been required to close.

Employees receive two thirds of normal pay, paid by the employer and funded fully by government to a maximum of £2,083.33 per month if they are not able to work due to restrictions.

Employer can pay more if they wish.


JSS (JSS Open) for businesses that are trading where the business is able to trade but at reduced hours.

To be eligible employees are required to work a minimum of 20% of usual hours and the employer continues to pay as normal for the hours worked.

Employee receives 66.67% of normal pay for the hours not worked, paid by the employer and government jointly.

Employer pays 5% of the usual salary for the hours not worked up to £125 per month, they can pay more if they wish.  Government pay the remaining 66.67% for hours not worked to a maximum of £1,541.75 per month.


JSS Eligibility

Employers can claim the grant for employees who were on their payroll between 6th April 2019 and 23rd September 2020.  Employees can be on any type of contract, including zero hours and temporary.

Employers cannot claim for employees who have been made redundant or are serving contractual or statutory notice periods during the claim period.

Further information:


Self Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS)

The Chancellor has confirmed SEISS will be extended into 2021 with two new taxable grant payments.  First extended grant covering the three months of November to January will increase from 20% of the previous trading profit (capped at £1,875) to 40% of the previous trading profit capped at £3,750.

The second extended grant covers the three month period from start of February to end of April 2021 with the level of the grant yet to be set.

Further information:


Business Grants

Government is providing additional funds to Local Authorities (LAs) to support businesses in high alert/Tier 2 areas not legally closed but severely impacted by social distancing restrictions.

Grants of up to £2,100 are primarily directed at businesses in hospitality, accommodation and leisure sector with funding received by Las based on the number of businesses in the sector in each area.

Further information: