
Institute of Transport Administration

Educating Transport Management since 1944


ADR Category for Tyne Tunnel changed

26th Jul 2024

TfL to extend Direct Vision Standard grace period

26th Jul 2024

Number of speeding offences captured in new DfT data

24th Jul 2024

UK Licence for the Community for international road haulage

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Passenger Railway Services (Public Ownership) Bill

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MGN 297 (M) The carriage of defibrillators on ships

20 Jul 2022

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency recommends that operators of passenger vessels undertake a risk assessment, with external advice if necessary, to determine if AEDs should be carried. If risk assessment indicates that there is a likelihood of using an AED more than once in five years, operators should consider carrying one as part of their medical equipment. As a general guide, vessels in regular operation carrying in excess of 100 persons, will be those which can be expected to fall within this range, especially if the average age of those carried is high. Operators of other types of ship may also wish to consider carrying defibrillators, based on risk assessment.

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