
Institute of Transport Administration

Educating Transport Management since 1944


ADR Category for Tyne Tunnel changed

26th Jul 2024

TfL to extend Direct Vision Standard grace period

26th Jul 2024

Number of speeding offences captured in new DfT data

24th Jul 2024

UK Licence for the Community for international road haulage

22nd Jul 2024

Passenger Railway Services (Public Ownership) Bill

19th Jul 2024

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On the 25th May – The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force.

1 Jan 1970

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Apologies for the misprints.

The editorial team would like to offer their apologies to both Vicky Corridan MInstTA of Corridans Ltd and: Tracy-Lorraine Law MInstTA of Quality Asset Management for the misprints in respect of their firm’s contact details in this year’s 2018 Journal.