
Institute of Transport Administration

Educating Transport Management since 1944


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Transporting dangerous goods - HGVs carrying dangerous goods through the Port of Dover or Eurotunnel

18 Jan 2021

Updates on the transportation of dangerous goods through the Port of Dover or Eurotunnel, including guidance notes, authorisation notices, exception notices and multilateral agreements.

Drivers of HGVs carrying certain types of dangerous goods must get tested for COVID-19 before arriving in Kent.


The terms of use at Manston Airport and Ashford Sevington prohibit the following loads:

  • explosives
  • polymerizing substances
  • infectious substances
  • radioactive substances
  • goods that are high consequence from a terrorism point of view

Drivers of HGVs carrying any of these goods will be refused access to these sites and must get tested for COVID-19 at alternative sites before arriving in Kent.


If you’re not sure whether your load falls into one of these categories of dangerous goods, confirm with your company or consignor before departing from the depot.

Testing is available at various information and advice sites across the UK.


Check whether the motorway service station or truck stop you plan to visit has any restrictions for certain dangerous goods before you travel.


Some companies are also providing private testing for their drivers. Check with your company if this is being offered.


DfT has an expert stakeholder group called the Industry Advisory Group to develop and monitor the implementation of these security requirements and any supporting guidance.


Further information: