
Institute of Transport Administration

Educating Transport Management since 1944


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Update on Driver CPC reforms

22 May 2024

The regulations have been laid in parliament for the planned reforms to Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC).

The recommendations were made following a consultation with the vocational driving industry, you can read more details about the recommended reforms on GOV.UK.

The reforms included in the regulations being laid include:

  • introducing a National Driver CPC that will cover driving a lorry, bus or coach in the UK
  • allowing training courses to be done in blocks of 3.5 hours rather than the current 7 hours to
  • allow greater flexibility
  • decoupling e-learning from trainer led courses

The changes are due to come into force later this year but the date cannot be confirmed until Parliamentary approval has been granted. We will keep you up to date on progress.

Periodic test and making it easier to return to driving

As part of the Driver CPC reform consultation, the government also asked about:

  • speeding up the process for drivers whose Driver CPC has run out to return to driving a lorry of bus coach in the UK. This work is still ongoing; these changes aim to be introduced in 2025.
  • Introducing a periodic test as an alternative to the Driver CPC for drivers wanting to do the National Driver CPC - a further consultation will be run on this proposal which is being considered by DfT

Further information: