
Institute of Transport Administration

Educating Transport Management since 1944


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Letter from Secretary of State for Health & Social Care

4 May 2020


'At yesterday’s daily coronavirus briefing I announced a further expansion of our testing programme.

Testing is now available to all over 65s and members of their households, if they have symptoms.

Additionally, any worker who needs to leave their home in order to go to work, and their households, if any of them have symptoms can also get a test.

This means construction workers to emergency plumbers, research scientists to those in manufacturing – can now be tested.

If this applies to you, or anyone in your household, please go online now and apply for a test.

This new expansion of testing, made possible due to rapidly increasing testing capacity, will help protect our most vulnerable, our healthcare staff and keep people safe.'


Matt Hancock

Secretary of State for Health and Social Care


Link to request a test: